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Rental and Utility Assistance

Need rental assistance?
Speed up the online process by filling out the online intake application here.

Rental Assistance FAQs (Frequently asked questions)

  • After filling out online intake application, a Case Manager will email you.
  • To ensure your case gets moving. Please turn in the documents requested.
  • You will be added to the waitlist.
  • Your case will remain on the waiting list until it is picked up by the Case Manager.
  • All rental assistance applicants will be required to attend the Good Tenant class. Completion of the program is required before you can be approved for assistance
  • You will continue to work with your case manager to ensure all documentation is in order
  • Once the Case Manager determines eligibility, you will be notified.

Tax forms, Identification

Note: You are still responsible for paying your rent, while waiting for assistance. Have an alternate plan in case you are not approved for assistance. 

Determination is based on a case-by-case basis. Timeframe may vary starting with a time frame of 2 weeks +

Need Utility Assistance?

We offer utility assistance in Provo and Spanish Fork City only. Services are limited. If there are minors in home, you are required to meet with a case manager in person to discuss your situation.

Note: Complete the online intake application if this is your first time seeking services – located at the top of the page.

If there are NO minors, you may be referred to our learning center or to the HEAT program.

Adult And Child Hands Holding White House, Family Home And Homel

Emergency Shelter

Our housing team works to empower families by providing resources to solve your immediate needs. We offer temporary shelter to those in need.

Temporary Shelter FAQs

Our Motel shelter is limited. We do provide shelter for families, Individuals, couples, and vulnerable individuals.  If you are eligible, you will get 1-3 nights max and it will be case by case basis.

ID is required. Other documents will be provided by a case manager. If eligible motel services will be temporary.

Please call:

Utah County: Provo Dispatch

  • Weekdays: 6pm-12am
  • Weekends: 9am-12am
  • Holidays  9am –12 am

Wasatch County Dispatch

  • Weekdays: 6pm-12am
  • Weekends: 9am-12am
  • Holidays 9am –12 am

Summitt County Dispatch

  • Weekdays: 6pm-12am
  • Weekends: 9am-12am

Holidays: 9 am –12:00 am

If eligible and given a motel stay, you will need to come to the closest office the next business day.

  • Utah County: 815 S Freedom Blvd in Provo
  • Wasatch County: 34 W 200 S in Heber (Hours varies)
  • Summit County: 17 S main St in Coalville (Hours varies)
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Warming Centers

Beginning October 15th, warming centers for individuals who are homeless and seeking warmth and a place to stay for the night will be open nightly from 9pm to 8am through April 30, 2025, and will be in Provo and unincorporated area of Utah County.  

Learn More

Choosing A Property To Buy. The Hand Holds The House.

Other Services

Identification and Birth Certificate

We offer limited one-time assistance for clients who qualify for a Birth Certificate and or identification. Availability for non-homeless will vary depending on funding. Clients must come in and talk to a case manager in person.


We offer utility assistance in the following service area: Provo or Spanish Fork. Services are limited. If there are minors in the home, you will need to speak to a case manager in person. If there are NO minors, you may be referred to financial learning center or the HEAT program:

Clothing and Furniture Vouchers

We offer clothing and furniture vouchers to clients who quality for the service. The purpose of the clothing vouchers is to help our clients prepare for work and or a job interview. If you have a job lined up or a job interview, please come talk to one of our case managers. Verification of employment is required.

How can I be eligible for a furniture voucher?

  • We will need proof of being current homelessness and having a lease.
  • A letter from any resources such as Wasatch Behavioral Health or the Food and Care Coalition.
  • This service is limited to a one-time service.
  • You will sign a contract that you won’t sell the product and along with other agreements.
  • We will give you a voucher to go to the DI and pick the selected furniture.


We offer services for transportation help and can assist with gas vouchers or bus passes. For eligible clients only. You will need to come in and speak to a case manager.